POTB LL serie is part of log grabs with horizontal cylinder. They are light hydraulic equipment, born to satisfy individuals and small and medium factories’ needs.
Techincal information
- Horizontal cylinder.
- Capacity from 0,08 to 0,40 M².
- With blade.
- Bushing to be welded.
- Flanged bushing.
- Flanged hydraulic rotor or with shaft or welded.
- Mechanical rotor.
- Suspension link.
- Check control valve.
- Max valve (to be mounted on the machine).
On models POTB 85 LL and POTB 105 LL could be mounted only rotors with shaft.
Suspension link is a joint connection between the equipment and the arm of the crane/excavator. It is important because it allows the equipment to oscillate (the classic cross movement) so that the machine does not release the tension directly on the equipment.
For a custom-made suspension link, please fill in the chart below:
The hydraulic polyp-grab POT model is an equipment with horizontal cylinders, used for waste and different materials handling. The smallest one has a capacity of 90lt and has a weight of 81 kg!
Technical information
- Horizontal cylinders.
- It’s available with 4/5/6 teeth.
- Capacity from 90 to 400 LT.
- Bits made with wear-resistant material (from SP 25 to SP 60 mm).
Three different kinds of tines are available:
- Standard (A).
- Thin (B).
- High coverage (C).
From POT 130/4 model it is possible to integrate a mechanical rotor or an hydraulic rotor with shaft in the polyp-grab to keep it safe from injuries.
On request are available stronger models, with a major thickness.
- Bushing to be welded.
- Hydraulic rotor with shaft.
- Recessed mechanical rotor or with shaft.
- Suspension link.
- Max valve ( to be installed on the machine).
POT S models are polyp-grabs with horizontal cylinders with a great opening capacity and small footprint at rest. They are ideals for loaders.
Technical information
- Horizontal cylinders.
- Available with 6 teeth.
- Capacity 275 LT and 315 LT.
- Bits made with wear-resistant material ( SP 50 mm).
Three different kinds of tines are available:
- Standard (A).
- Thin (B).
- High coverage (C).
- Bushing to be welded.
- Hydraulic rotor with shaft.
- Recessed mechanical rotor.
- Suspension link.
- Max valve (to be installed on the machine).
POT H models are made for Z-collapsible truck crane, its main difference from other models is that it has two asymmetric teeth. This makes possible for the polyp-grab to lay on the arm of the truck crane at rest reducing the footprint.
Technical informatiom
- Horizontal cylinders.
- Available with 5 or 6 teeth.
- Capacity 280 LT.
- Bits made with wear-resistant material (SP 50 mm).
Two different kinds of tines are available:
- Hydraulic rotor with shaft.
- Suspension link
- Max valve (to be installed on the machine).
The hydraulic polyp-grab POT P is an equipment with horizontal cylinders for excavators. They are made for heavy and continuous works. At the moment the biggest model has a capacity of 800 lt.
Technical information
- Horizontal cylinders.
- Available with 5 or 6 teeth.
- Capacity from 400 to 800 LT.
- Bits made with wear-resistant material ( from SP 70 tp SP 100 mm).
Three different kinds of tines are available:
- Standard (A).
- Thin (B).
- High coverage (C).
- Recessed mechanical rotors or with shaft.
- Hydraulic radial pistons rotator.
- Turntable bearings rotor.
- Suspension link.
- Max valve ( to be installed on the machine).
Also called “Trident” for its shape with three teeth, the hydraulic polyp-grab POT M is ideal for rocks of different shapes handling. Made entirely with S355 with bits with teeth that permit a better grip even on smooth surfaces, giving a better control during the handling.
Technical information
- Horizontal cylinders.
- Available with 3 teeth.
- Capacity from 355 to 550 LT.
- Bits with teeth.
- Bushing to be welded.
- Hydraulic rotor with shaft.
- Recessed mechanical rotor.
- Suspension link.
- Max valve ( to be installed on the machine).
PVT is ideal for loading and unloading all kind of waste and junk. On request we can furnish protections for cylinders and hydraulic hoses.
Technical information
- Vertical cylinders.
- Available with 5 or 6 teeth.
- Capacity from 155 to 490 LT.
- Bits made with wear-resistant material (from SP 40 to SP 50mm).
Three different kinds of tines are available:
- Standard (A).
- Thin (B).
- High coverage (C).
From PVT 370/6 model a mechanical rotor or an hydraulic rotor with shaft can be integrated in the polyp-grab to keep it safe from injuries.
- Bushing to be welded.
- Hydraulic rotor with shaft.
- Recessed mechanical rotor or with shaft.
- Suspension link.
- Max valve (to be installed on the machine).
PVT P models are polyp-grabs with vertical cylinders for excavators. These polyp-grabs are projected for heavy works and they include cylinders and hydraulic hoses protections.
Technical information
- Vertical cylinders.
- Available with 5 or 6 teeth.
- Capacity from 500 to 800 LT.
- Bits made with wear-resistant material (from SP 70 to SP 100 mm).
Three different kinds of tines are available:
- Standard (A).
- Thin (B).
- High coverage (C).
- Recessed mechanical rotor.
- Radial pistons rotators.
- Turntable bearings rotator.
- Suspension link.
- Max valve (to be installed on the machine).
PVTM polyp-grab has vertical cylinders with integrated magnets. This device attracts ferromagnetic elements such as iron, nickel, cobalt just when electricity is on, so it stops working when electricity is turned off.
Technical information
- Vertical cylinders.
- Available with 4 or 5 teeth.
- Capacity of 260 lt.
- Bits made with wear-resistant material (SP 50 mm).
Three different kinds of tines are available:
- Standard (A).
- Thin (B).
- High coverage (C).
- Electric controller with button panel and protection IP55 (Size 200x300x400 mm).
- Electric cable 2×6 mm2.
- Cable winding-stroke (Max 12 meters).
- Bushing to be welded.
- Hydraulic rotor with shaft.
- Recessed mechanical rotor.
- Suspension link.
- Max valve (to be installed on the machine).